Saturday, May 5, 2018

Earth Totem Blood Warlocks

The Blood Warlock Deck!

Here is a small Haiku dedicated to my favourite 3* deck.

Blood warlocks en-masse. 
Kickass. In guild map battles,
2 million damass

If you are still here after reading my lame haiku, I will share my secret guild map recipe with you.

Use a Berserker hero with blood warlocks, with Earth Totem melded to a few of them. Earth Totem level 6 gives 300 HP to all Neander creatures. I wouldnt wince if you meld Earth Totem 10 from a Nidhogg onto a blood warlock, the Blood Warlocks are that good.

My warlock deck

Berserker's boars at level 5 unlock a skill of increasing your Neander creatures' damage permanently. And three such boars could be existing at a time, each could add upto 230 attack to each blood warlock, for a total of 690 attack, every round.

2x100+30 = 230 per boar per round!

In the below screenshot of a guild map attack, you can see a level 10 blood warlock at the bottom. (It is faint, you might need to open the picture to see)

^^level 10 blood warlock!

Now you know where these 2 million+ damage came from.

When Berserker is at level 10, the boars resist retreat and instakill. Pretty good against Arch Devas, Revenants and Hell Wolfs.

With a blue heal-amplify rune, a warlock heals for 200. With a purple heal-amplify rune at level 7, they heal for 276. (I have two from glory altar. They are super rare and might take you a long time to get) That is a total of 2000-2760 heal from 10 healers. You can also use a few frost-armor oracles to shield against heavy hitters, if required.

Healing is the key for a Berserker deck!

With a Blight 4 rune (pretty common) partially levelled up on my hero , the warlocks deal 450 poison damage each to three creatures, followed by 150 next round. That is an extra 1800 damage every round per warlock (450x3 from first activation and 150x3 during the enemy rounds).

Mixed with two or three recyclers, this deck also helped me clear the gauntlet daily. (Keep your deck power as low as possible until the time you are interested in clearing gauntlets daily).

What is best about this deck is that there are no entry barriers. You can start farming Berserker shards regularly once the ore mine is open to you at level 25. Blood Warlocks are available on map 6, which can again be cleared using Frost Rager decks. (Refer to the walkthrough here if you are facing problem progressing, or just post a question in the comments here if you need more guidance).

For posts on other game topics, check out the index page HERE. If you have opinions, questions or suggestions, feel free to comment. Thanks for reading!